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  • Writer's pictureDanquisha Bates

You are the light at the end of the tunnel.

You have heard it said that there is light at the end of the tunnel. However, I am going to tell you that there is light the entire way through. You are the light. The light that was created to brighten the life of others.

You must believe and have faith while walking through it to experience it.

I’ve learned that following your own direction without God while walking through dark places in life will lead you to where you never thought you would end up.

There are signs and directions, but if you are not looking and listening for his voice and slowing down to pay attention to what He is saying, you think “oh that’s nothing I GOT THIS”. Sadly, you continue spinning in that negative mental cycle that has become normal and that you have settled into over the years.

As time passes, the false sense of comfort keeps you living life as if everything is good, leaving you feeling exhausted with very little to no hope at all. In the “dark tunnel” seasons of your life, you can't always exit as quickly as you would like. Some tunnels are longer and darker than others. The only thing that is constant in the “dark tunnels” of your life is YOU.

YOU must decide to stop, reroute, and follow your TRUE PURPOSE. Purpose transforms your life. You will never be the same! God will give you signs and directions throughout your “dark tunnel.” These signs are the way to your divine purpose. Sometimes we follow our path for so long we wouldn’t recognize a God-given sign if it came and slapped us in the face. His love for us is unconditional and so deep that He will never give up on you - even when you give up on Him.

My purpose discovery journey went through a dark tunnel that nearly cost me my life. I refuse to waste another moment of my life on the things that I have no control over. I am using my life - my light- to show and lead the way out of the dark tunnels in the lives of those God has called me to. I want the same for you. Come back here so that we can continue our conversation....see you soon!

I HAVE ONLY JUST BEGUN!! It was not easy and sometimes scary - but if I can do it, you can too! Be encouraged by my journey and embrace your new beginning. I embrace, appreciate and participate in regular therapy sessions that help me to evolve on my new journey where every day - joy comes in the morning! Don't walk in my shoes - sit in my chair - allow my journey to transform you!

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Author, Blogger, Suicide SURVIVOR!!

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